Created August 8, 2022

5 Reasons To Document Your Fitness Journey

5 Reasons To Document Your Fitness Journey
  1. Accountability  

Hear me out, if you don’t have a concrete plan of action, and by concrete, I mean written out, you may be setting yourself up for failure.

Having a clear-cut workout routine truly helps keep you grounded. I can’t count the number of times I’ve decided to workout on a random day only to end up on the couch 30 minutes later having done nothing with no regrets.

If you are one to plan out your day on the other hand, and Saturday morning says ‘Leg Day’ from 8-9 am, then that’s exactly what you’ll have to complete before hopping on the couch because you wrote it down yourself.

  1. You’ll do your research well

First of all, before coming up with your weekly routine plan, you’ll need to do your research thoroughly. 

You’ll have to look into a variety of workouts of differing intensities. You’ll need to decide what number of sets will help you reach your goals. What workouts are likely to yield results faster if that’s what you’re after. There’s so much to figure out first.

Doing your research grants you a better understanding of your workout plans, and this puts you in a better position to set more realistic expectations and goals. 

  1. You’ll be more organized

There’s nothing worse than being pumped up for a workout only to waste an hour looking for what exercise you should attempt. 

Documenting helps you narrow down the millions of exercises you already know. So Wednesday is Bulgarian splits, right? Perfect! How time-saving is this!

  1. Easier to track your progress

It goes without saying that for you to appreciate or notice how far you’ve come, you’ll need to look at where you started.

If the ultimate goal is to build your core strength you’ll check what progress you’ve made in your planks for instance. 

So week one you could barely hold a five-minute plank but now you’re a little over six minutes? That’s progress! 

  1. To decide what’s working and what’s not

Once you sit down and look back at your progress you’ll be in a much better position to decide what serves you and what doesn’t.

Before and after pictures can tell you what sets are helping you get toned or shredded. Measuring your weight lets you know if you should find alternative methods for your weight loss goals.

All this would be impossible to tell if you went through your fitness journey blindly. 

I hope with all this said I’ve successfully convinced you to start documenting your journey. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. Just plan out a few days’ workouts beforehand and let us know how that worked for you!